44 Soldiers Point Dr Norah Head 2263

Central Coast Backflow Specialist

Plumbers & Gas Fitters

Backflow Prevention Is A Specialist Job!

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44 Soldiers Point Dr, Norah Head NSW 2263


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Central Coast Backflow Specialist opening hours in Norah Head

Central Coast Backflow Specialist opening hours in Norah Head

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  2. Products and Services

About Us

Central Coast Backflow Specialist - Promotion

About Central Coast Backflow Specialist

  • Domestic water service
  • Fire suppression system
  • Irrigation system
  • Internal backflow assemblies
  • 24/7 emergency service
We will forward all test reports to the local water authority within five (5) days of the completed test.
At Central Coast Backflow Specialist, our technicians will always present themselves in a professional manner, while making certain the testing and repair of your backflow prevention assembly device is done with the least amount of inconvenience.

Central Coast Backflow Specialist are backflow specialists that can test the backflow assembly on your domestic water service, fire suppression system, irrigation system and all other internal backflow assemblies.

We offer a flat rate for annual testing and commissioning, regardless the size of the valve. Our testing apparatus is calibrated annually in conjunction with Australian standards to ensure our gauges report accurately.

Copies of all the test reports will be left with the authorized person at your location if so desired. Upon completion of the test, each backflow prevention assembly will be tagged, with the date of the test, name of the technician, our certification number and the serial number of the backflow certificate.

69 045 184 980

Products and Services

Central Coast Backflow Specialist - Promotion


Backflow Prevention Devices, Pipes


Annual Testing, Backflow Prevention, Maintenance, Servicing, Testing


Commercial, Propane, Toilets


Accredited, Emergency Services, Licensed


Water Pressure