Silk Hairdressing is Situated in the Heart of Tea Gardens, Silk Hairdressing has an Exceptional Team of Hairdressers, Angie Gimbert who has been Hairdressing for 19 years, Natalie Lynch who has been Hairdressing for 22 years. Silk Hairdressings Team is motivated to keep up with the latest trends and fashion by attending many different courses throughout the year.
We have a wide range of beauty treatments- the perfect product for your skin as we aim for a process of bringing out your natural beauty. We have a Friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Bold Hair & Lifestyle is a well-established unisex hairdressing, beauty salon that provides you with the ultimate one-stop shop for all of your hair, body and beauty needs. With many years of experience in the hair styling industry, our highly skilled and creative team of professional hair stylists and beauticians has evolved to now include specialised beauty therapists.